Difference between bacterial diseases, fungal diseases and viral diseases
Apr 22,2015
1、Fungal diseases
Diseases caused by fungi can show spots, wilting, deformities and other disease symptoms. But bacterial diseases can also cause the same symptoms, the difference is mainly in the fungal diseases in the onset of the site can see spidery or flocculent mycelium, some have nuclei and other mycelium metamorphosis. In the onset of the site surface growth of a variety of mold, which is an important feature to identify fungal diseases. All fungal diseases, no matter what part of the occurrence, symptom performance, in wet conditions have mycelium, spores produced. This is the main basis for determining fungal diseases. For example, cucumber powdery mildew, the leaves appear white at the spot. Then, such as melon and tomato gray mold, the affected leaves, flowers and fruit appear gray mold. Common fungal diseases are: downy mildew, powdery mildew, gray mold, epidemic disease, blight, etc. of vegetables.
2, bacterial diseases
Diseases caused by bacteria, mainly spots, ulcers, wilting, necrosis and rot and other types. Necrosis, decay, deformation are the consequences of bacterial damage to the cell wall cell tissue caused. On its leaves with reticulate leaf veins, the spots mostly appear as acute type of necrotic spots and are polygonal with a yellow halo around the spots. On fertile tissues or fruits, the spots are mostly round. On tender, juicy tissues, the tissue dies and rots easily. Some parts of the plant are affected with promoted lesions and form tumors, which occur mostly on roots or stems. Wilt is the result of cellular infestation of vascular bundles and can occur locally or completely. Cellular diseases do not have mycelium or spores, and there is no moldy material on the surface of the spots, but there is overflow of bacterial pus (except root cancer bacteria), and the surface of the spots is smooth, which is the main basis for diagnosing bacterial diseases. Such as cucumber bacterial angular spot disease and downy mildew symptoms are similar, the leaves are polygonal spots, easy to confuse, but downy mildew in wet spots with black mold, while angular spot disease is not.
3, viral disease
Viral disease is mostly a chronic disease of the whole plant, external symptoms are often foliage, fading green, ring spot, dead spot, dwarf and leaf crinkling, etc.. The foliage manifests itself as crinkled leaves with yellow and green spots. Yellow foliage is particularly bright, green foliage is dark green. The yellow parts are concave downwards. Viral diseases only have disease symptoms without disease signs, which is confused with fungal diseases and bacterial diseases. The difference lies in the fact that viral diseases occur in a gradual outward spread from point to point; the disease appears on the plant, often starting from the tip and then expanding to other parts of the plant. The spread of the virus depends on insect transmission, sap contact and grafting infection. Virus disease is aggravated by high temperatures and drought conditions. Non-invasive diseases occur more uniformly and do not show a point-to-point expansion. The disease is often a whole plant disease and cannot be transmitted from plant to plant. The occurrence of the disease is closely related to factors such as poor environment.
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