Rice blight
Apr 22,2015
The disease is commonly known as "flower foot stalks" Why do you have this name, is that once you get this disease you look at the rice foot stalks are flowered. This disease is caused by a fungus, so call him rice foot disease, and human foot fungus foot fungus seems to be caused by the same fungus. This disease is one of the three major diseases of rice, in recent years, due to the reform of rice cultivation, as well as cultivation calendar level and the amount of fertilizer, this disease is becoming increasingly serious, the general onset of early rice heavier than single-season late rice and post-season rice, the lighter the impact of grain filling (what is filling, that is, when you are still embryonic need to absorb a lot of nutrients, filling is the plant fertilization embryonic period) This disease causes the plant to wither and collapse, can not draw spike, or The spike does not bear fruit, serious field yield can be reduced by more than fifty percent, remember not 10%, not two percent, but fifty percent Oh.
First of all, how to identify this disease and why it occurs.
The disease is a high temperature, high humidity disease, just like people with foot odor summer high temperature and humidity will be serious, the disease generally begins to develop at the end of the tiller, (tiller period, is you plant a seed out, fork fork fork and then fork, a bit like which tza's three heads six arms, but this arm more.) Uprooting stage to tasseling stage in full bloom. (The plucking period, that is, sunlight and fertilizer, the rice upward elongation, rapid growth period, that is, people adolescence, at this time, more active, lively also easy to be injured Oh). Rice blight onset at the beginning, first in the near water leaf sheath (this is wrapped around the leaves and stems below the thing, called small package it) on the occurrence of oval dark green water spot, (you can remember here oval color green hat) later gradually expanded into a cloud-like, this is a little like a child wetting the bed when the formation of that white cloud oh. Ha ha, but the middle of this is gray-white, when wet become gray-green. The spots are expanding from the bottom to the top and gradually increasing. That is, from the feet to the legs expansion. The leaf spot is similar to the leaf sheath spot, the spike neck becomes wet green-black, serious when the whole spike die, just like people if the foot grows to the neck will also be green-black estimates, serious when it will certainly also hiccups. High temperature and high humidity, the disease mycelium in the surface agglomerate into a group, first white, later become black-brown mycelium, easy to fall off after maturity, fall into the soil. (What is mycelium, mycelium is just a structure of the fungus, and a family is usually composed of mom, dad and children, mycelium is the individual)
The fungus mainly overwinters in the soil with mycelium (mycelium is a lot of mycelium grow to a certain extent, and when it is cold in winter, hold into a warm ball) can also winter with mycelium and nucleus on diseased rice straw and other host residues. The next year, this abominable Gargamel, no, is the abominable nucleus with irrigation floating to the water surface, latent to the rice plant, in the right temperature when the mycelium, invasive leaf sheath, cause disease: then the disease part of the mycelium to the upper part of the rice or adjacent rice spread.
Secondly, let's talk about the conditions for the disease to develop, just like the foot fungus infection is also a condition is not.
1, overly dense planting, too much or too late chasing nitrogen fertilizer, rice steep long tender green; irrigation is too deep, poor drainage, poor ventilation and light, field humidity, accelerating the elongation and spread of mycelium, are conducive to the onset of the disease, simply put, you have foot odor in the summer, you wear a small, stuffy and wet shoes, try, walk two steps.
2, high temperature and high humidity in the environment of the most prevalent disease, field microclimate at 25 degrees to 32 degrees, in the event of continuous cloudy rain, the disease development is particularly fast, you know, the ancient house leak in the event of continuous cloudy rain, from here, remember, high temperature in the event of continuous cloudy rain, it is unlucky to the top.
3, short stalks and spikes of varieties because of more tillers, dense leaves, prone to disease. People are short on short, if then fat, that is what, is a stone roller.
Third, the control measures.
The book cloud, based on agricultural control, with special attention to fertilizer management, the use of pharmaceutical protection for fields with serious disease trends.
1 agricultural control
1, reduce the source of bacteria; paddy field deep plowing, the nucleus of the disease buried deep in the soil ah, so that he will never come out of the day, this can be done. After irrigating the whole rice field, fish out the flotsam to reduce the source of disease, this is what the experts say, the farmer brothers want to throw eggs, throw experts to go. Combined with fertilization, eradicate weeds at the edge of the field to eliminate the wild hosts of the disease. Planting fields also combined with the actual grounding oh.
2 strengthen cultivation management, to reasonable dense planting as the center, take appropriate fertilizer management measures, apply sufficient base fertilizer, according to the seedling situation timely chase fertilizer, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer: growth of the early stage, shallow water diligent irrigation, mid-term timely shelving field, drying field, late dry wet, so that the rice steady growth is not vigorous, late not greedy green, not fall down, enhance disease resistance.
The most important and practical moment will come soon, so don't open your eyes and look carefully, the following is wonderful, miss it can be regretful for life. Pharmacological control, generally grasp the first drug at the beginning of the disease, after every 10 days or so spray again, for a course of treatment. The specific also has to be based on the weather and the development trend of the disease at the time, the agent can be selected, each 666 flat with 15% wellbutrin soluble powder 70 grams, or 6% wellbutrin. Serpentine wettable powder 80 grams, goods 20% wellgan. 100 grams of Lachrymum suspension, 40_50 kg of water spray according to the different fertility stages of rice, for the serious disease of the field per 666 square select 240/liter of thiofuram
For serious disease, choose 240/litre of thiflufenacet 20 ml of suspension per 666 square meters. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to get a picture to upload, but unfortunately I can't, so I'll let it go, so I guess this website is out of order. If you look at the inconvenience to the WeChat public number to see, where after every day Kan technology.
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