Wheat spring management techniques
Feb 11,2017
Wheat yield depends on three factors, the number of spikes per acre, the number of grains per spike and the thousand grain weight. The maximum product of these three factors is the embodiment of yield. Generally speaking, high yield is achieved only when there are more spikes and more grains.
Tiller is the basis of the effective number of spikes of wheat per unit area. In winter, tillers are basically able to become ears. The earlier the tiller is, the higher the chance of becoming effective spike in the future. Therefore, spring management is more delicate than before winter.
Greening management: At present, our winter wheat has passed the greening period, here is only a brief overview. Last winter and this spring, the weather in the winter wheat area was warm and the wheat population was large. Therefore, the management of wheat during the greening period this spring should be late watering and less chasing fertilizer. In order to suppress the tendency of the wheat group to grow vigorously. In other words, the first watering in spring should be postponed to the starting period before nodulation, and the fertilizer should be mainly nitrogen and potassium, i.e. high nitrogen and potassium fast-acting fertilizer. The reason for choosing fertilizers containing potassium is to strengthen the stalk toughness and alleviate the risk of vigorous growth and collapse by increasing potassium nutrition. The second element of greening management is weed control, and there are two technical points. Firstly, for grass weeds, if we did not treat them with medicine last fall, we should do it as early as possible this spring, and it must be done before the nodal period. For broad-leaved weeds, according to the weed dominant population to choose the appropriate agent, except for chloroflumioxane can be used after the nodal period, other herbicides should also be implemented before the nodal period; second, no matter which type of herbicide, in the application must look at the day spraying, can not be used before or during the cooling, otherwise it is easy to appear drug damage. Also should not be mixed with a variety of insecticides fungicides foliar fertilizers.
Plucking period management: wheat into plucking, means that the top of the stem growth point began to differentiate the wheat ears, that is, from the previous rootstock leaf nutritional growth to reproductive growth, this period, is the watershed of two kinds of growth, but also to determine the height of the wheat plant and the number of spikes is a critical period. In other words, how high the wheat will grow this year and how many spikes there will be in an acre will be basically determined at the time of nodulation. Therefore, if you have to use the control regulator after the node is pulled, it is the same as a blind man lighting a lamp, for nothing. Only by postponing the fertilizer control to the starting period, it is wise to minimize the nitrogen fertilizer to inhibit the size of the leaf area and moderate supplementation of potassium to promote the toughness of the stalk. In general, no further soil chasing fertilizer is needed after the nodulation.
Wheat is more sensitive to the environment after it enters the nodulation period, and temperature fluctuations can easily have a significant impact on wheat. However, April in the northern winter wheat region is the month of more cold fronts, this period of management must pay attention to the weather forecast, once there is a significant cooling, it is best to take measures such as watering, spraying amino acids or potassium phosphate in advance to alleviate the damage caused by low temperatures.
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